Residencies Detail


hosted by Espace du Son

Participating countries:

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • France
  • Portugal
  • Music
© Guillamat 2020


  • From 01-10-2023 to 30-08-2024
Generation #2



Project summary

The project is based on the desire to discover and deepen the perception of space, according to an acousmatic vision of sound and musical composition. This is why composer Julien Guillamat is invited to participate in 4 residencies and 4 different festivals, in 4 different cities: Brussels, Lisbon, Vienna and Montpellier. 4 places, 4 cities where to experience acousmatic creation on site. The composer is invited to discover and record the sounds of the 4 cities., to work on the recorded sounds and to create brand new acousmatic pieces. The pieces will then be interpreted, spatialised through the acousmoniums provided by the festival leader and the partner festivals. Each acousmatic composition will therefore be unique, related to the specific soundscape of the hosting cities.
© Guiullamat 2020



Biography: Compositeur & Enseignant-Chercheur Conservatoire Royal, ARTS², Mons, Belgique.
Expert musique nommé par le ministère de la culture, Référent France de la Confédération Internationale de Musique Electroacoustique (CIME).
Compositeur pour l'Opéra-Orchestre National Montpellier, Maison des Arts Sonores, Montpellier, France.
Expert musique commission de la Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles - Occitanie – Ministère de la culture.
Fondateur de KLANG! acousmonium.
Membre de la Fédération Belge de Musique Electroacoustique (FéBéME).
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