Residencies Detail

Residency of Tom Bailey (Mechanimal)

hosted by PASSAGE Festival

Participating countries:

  • Croatia
  • Czechia
  • Denmark
  • Portugal
  • United Kingdom
  • Storytelling
  • Theatre
  • Visual Arts
© Mechanimal


  • From 01-09-2023 to 31-08-2024
Generation #2



Project summary

PASSAGE Festival supports environmental performing artist Tom Bailey in an exploration of the biodiversity crisis in a new way. The project initially explores an innovative and radical new green touring model via a long-distance, ritualistic walk from the UK to Denmark following ancient animal migration pathways. The embodied experience and documentation from this journey (v-logs, blog writings, movement sequences, field recordings) then forms an essential part of Tom’s development of a new performance that explores how the human body can ‘meet’ the bodies of non-human Others in the Anthropocene via physical performance. This opportunity can be a step-change for Tom’s international practice and a significant new development in ecological touring.
© Tom Bailey


Tom Bailey (Mechanimal)

Biography: For less than 10 years Tom has been creating contemporary performances as Mechanimal. He initially read English Literature at University College London, worked in climate activism, retrained at London International School of Performing Arts aged 28. Now, aged 37, he’s a ‘late bloomer’. For Tom, nature is a fascinating, unfolding thing that pushes the limits of possibility and imagination. Climate change, scary as it is, offers an urgent opportunity to look closer and explore this bizarre and deeply mysterios planet in ways we haven’t imagined.
Stylistically, his work is non-narrative contemporary devised performance. It’s body-led, not language-centred; enriched with a carefully-composed visual and sonic aesthetic.
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