Residencies Detail

Residency of Intra vires traverso consort / Vera Plosila

hosted by Aurore Helsinki Renaissance Festival
Participating countries:
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • Music
© Ensemble Nylandia / Kari Kohvakka


  • From 25-01-2025 to 02-02-2025
Generation #3



Project summary

In Praise of Shadows Fleeing the bright spring sun, the singers of Cipriano de Rore’s A la dolce ombra stumble on extraordinary beauty in the shade of a laurel tree. This opening sequence of his first book of madrigals for four voices illustrates the dappled shade with filigree lines each colouring the other as they overlap and interweave. It is emblematic of a fascination with both musical and literary shadows in the writings of madrigalists. This collaboration between Intra vires and Accenti journeys through these shadows through consort and solo and mixed settings of madrigals and part-songs from the 16th century, illuminating the works from different perspectives. Musical lines fade in and out of focus, unwritten musica ficta brighten or darken the harmony, intabulations conceal lines.
© Intra Vires / Teijo Salminen


Intra vires traverso consort / Vera Plosila

Biography: The traverso consort Intra Vires was founded in 2022. Its members are

Vera Plosila, cantus and artistic direction
Eerika Perkkiö, alto
Sini Vahervuo, tenor
Ilkka Eronen, bass
and Olli Hyyrynen, lute.

The group has performed at harpsichordist Matias Häkkinen’s doctoral concert, as well as in club concerts of the Aurore Renaissance Music Festival in 2023 and 2024. The consort has been coached by the leading Renaissance teacher Johanna Bartz.

Our current focus is on the diminutions of Ganassi’s La Fontegara (1535) applied to late 15th- and early 16th-century music, such as the Leuven Chansonnier. We have also established a collaboration with the English duo Accenti around 16th-century madrigal literature. Concerts of this project feature in Casa Saga, Aurore and Ceciliana festivals.
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