EFFEA Call #3 Sessions

Info Sessions, Q&A and networking opportunities to prepare yourself ahead for Call #3

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EFFEA Call #3 opens very soon, on 15 January. Leading up to the application deadline on 19 March, we have planned a series of info sessions, Q&A, and networking opportunities. In each session, you have the chance to connect with potential partners and artists and find relevant replies to your questions. Save the following dates in your diary:
09.01.2024 - Register here
26.01.2024 - Register here
09.02.2024, together with Pearle* Live Performance EuropeRegister here
01.03.2024 - Register here
In addition, keep an eye out for decentralised info sessions with EFFEA Platform Members and Creative Europe desks in your region.

Connect with us:

EFFEA website
EFFEA Facebook community

For more information: Donika Rudi Berishaj, EFFEA Coordinator: donika@efa-aef.eu & Luana Santos, Communication and Administration Assistant: luana@efa-aef.eu