EFFEA Story: Ivar Roban Križić

Residency of Ivar Roban Križić, presented by Music Biennale Zagreb in partnership with 180° - Laboratory for Innovative Art Festival & Festival Ring Ring

Double bassist, jazz author, and the first doctoral student in free improvisation at the Vienna University of Music, Ivar Roban Križić has been making waves across Europe with his music. Following a successful and sold-out performance as part of the 32nd Music Biennale Zagreb and a long round of applause at the 27th Ring Ring Festival, Križić brought his EFFEA chapter to a close at the 180° - Laboratory for Innovative Art Festival held in Bulgaria, in July.

For his appearance at the 180° - Laboratory for Innovative Art Festival, Križić engaged in a three-day collaborative process with two fellow artists, culminating with a concert on 24 July. In addition, on 28 July, he led an improvisation lab where he showcased his projects and played music with a handpicked group of musicians. The event ran parallel to the Videomotion 2023 competition, which focused on short silent videos.

While in Sofia, Križić presented his ambitious undertaking "IRK Performing Reflection", an integral part of his ongoing doctoral research in Vienna. Križić explained that its essence lies in the interplay between two disciplines: free improvisation and philosophy. Therefore, the ensemble performing the project featured instrumental and electro-acoustic improvisers, along with an improvisational philosopher. Through the fusion of musical and philosophical improvisation, "IRK Performing Reflection" aims to delve into the diverse cognitive states of the improvisers. It seeks to establish a dynamic framework for performance that harmonises the realms of musical improvisation and philosophical thought within a shared context. The project's performance bridges philosophical perspectives with an immersive electro-acoustic landscape, ultimately inviting the audience to partake in the improvisational experience.

The residency results from the collaborative efforts and partnerships between festivals spanning new music, electronics, electro-acoustics, and avant-garde jazz – MBZ (Croatia), Ring Ring Festival (Serbia), and 180° - Laboratory for Innovative Art (Bulgaria).