Hugo Bergs
Hugo Bergs Artistic Coordinator of C-TAKT

I have been working at the Provinciaal Domein Dommelhof for more than 30 years. With a background in art film and Photography and practicing theatre production, I now coordinate our platform C-TAKT. C-TAKT is focusing on transdisciplinary arts and is funded by the Flemish and regional government. Together with a production assistant and a communication officer, we run a residency centre, coproduce transdisciplinary projects and present this kind of work in different presentation formats. We collaborate on a structural basis with partners in Flanders, The Netherlands and on an international level with the In Situ Network.

Dommelhof is a provincial domain in the region of Limburg, Belgium. Founded as the first cultural centre of Flanders in 1968, Dommelhof evolved into a creation centre for circus and transdisciplinary arts. Dommelhof is organised into two platforms for artistic development, production, presentation, and reflection.