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EFFEA news

  1. EFFEA Story: Thomas Ott

    EFFEA Story: Thomas Ott

    Residency of Thomas Ott, hosted by Waking Life in partnership with Horst, Solstice Festival & Roots 

  2. EFFEA Story: Alessandro Businaro

    EFFEA Story: Alessandro Businaro

    Residency of Alessandro Businaro, hosted by Teatro in Quota in partnership with Les Longues Journées

  3. EFFEA Story: Mairi Pardalaki

    EFFEA Story: Mairi Pardalaki

    Residency of Mairi Pardalaki, hosted by Dance Laboratory Rhodes in partnership with Istanbul Fringe Festival & Dance Days Chania

  4. EFFEA Story: Nikolina Krstičević

    EFFEA Story: Nikolina Krstičević

    Residency of Nikolina Krstičević, hosted by CONTEXTILE – Bienal de Arte Têxtil Contemporânea in partnership with BIE...

  5. EFFEA Story: Sutanuka Jashu

    EFFEA Story: Sutanuka Jashu

    Residency of Sutanuka Jashu, hosted by Yaga Gathering in partnership with Urban Festival UIT & Expanded Publishing Fest

  6. EFFEA Story: András László Nagy

    EFFEA Story: András László Nagy

    Residency of András László, presented by Mumush in partnership with Goulash Disko Festival, Malomfesztivál...

  7. EFFEA Story: Voices Collective

    EFFEA Story: Voices Collective

    Residency of VOICES COLLECTIVE, presented by IMPAKT in partnership with European Media Art Festival, KONTEJNER & Privacytopia

  8. EFFEA Call #2: Outtake Seminar

    EFFEA Call #2: Outtake Seminar

    In prime summer season, amid the bustle of either hosting or participating in festivals, festivals and artists from EFFEA Generation #...

  9. EFFEA at the Arts Festivals Summit 2024

    EFFEA at the Arts Festivals Summit 2024

    EFFEA Artists and Festivals participate in the Arts Festivals Summit 2024 on Usedom, Germany

  10. EFFEA Story: Daniel Seabra

    EFFEA Story: Daniel Seabra

    Residency of Daniel Seabra, presented by Trengo Contemporary Circus Festival in partnership with Terminal Festival, Pitch’d Fest...